Lower Arkansas Valley Water Conservancy District board meeting recap

Arkansas River Basin -- Graphic via the Colorado Geological Survey
Arkansas River Basin — Graphic via the Colorado Geological Survey

From the La Junta Tribune-Democrat (Bette McFarren):

The Lower Arkansas Valley Water Conservancy District Directors listened to a report from Water Resource Engineer Rick Parsons and a report on snowpack and storage from Roy Vaughan of the Bureau of Reclamation; also the Board passed three resolutions…

Water Resources Engineer Rick Parsons is working on a model of the Lower Arkansas River Basin, as all-inclusive as possible, to be used as a tool by the LAVWCD and the general public to see where water is stored, how much is stored, recharge water to the river and the amount of water in use at each location allocated. The district is interested in quantifying returns from recharge ponds and groundwater to the river, important for well users and the Super Ditch program. The information, paid for by the state, is also to be public information. “It must be clear to water users in the basins that programs may occur without harm to their operation,” said Parsons. All information has been made available to him except the Southern Delivery System concerning Colorado Springs, which is confidential. Much of the data appears to be conflicting, so rough approximations are necessary. “If the state pays, the information must be available to all,” said Parsons.

Bureau of Reclamation Engineer Roy Vaughan of Pueblo reported that snowpack is about average so far and the storage water as of Jan. 13 is as follows: Pueblo Reservoir, 151,919 acre-feet; 109,143 a/f project water; 21,735 a/f of excess capacity water; 18,630 a/f of winter water. There are 147,806 a/f of Project space in Pueblo and 42,130 a/f of Project space in Twin Lakes and Turquoise Lake.

More Lower Arkansas Valley Water Conservancy District coverage here.

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