“There’s no debate”: 97 experts explain the scientific consensus on climate change — Salon

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From Salon (Lindsey Abrams):

While the vast majority of the scientific community agrees that man-made climate change is happening, the public is still working to catch up: Even among those who accept that it’s probably a thing, not nearly enough appear to understand just how certain most scientists are about the basic relationship between human activity and Earth’s warming.

Not that we aren’t making progress. Politicians are listing humanity’s continued contribution of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere among their top concerns and risking attack should they continue to deny the scientific facts. On my subway ride to work, colorful advertisements are urging me to show up in Columbus Circle two weeks from now to participate in what organizers are promising to be the biggest climate march in history. And on social media, the climate science website Skeptical Science has launched a 97-hour campaign — begun, naturally, on 9/7 — highlighting the 97 percent scientific consensus, and featuring 97 forceful, tweetable quotes from 97 experts.

As their statements attest, anyone who tries to argue that climate change is some fringe theory, or not nearly as settled as “environmentalists and the liberal media” make it seem, is picking a fight with not just some scientists, but nearly all the scientists. Fortunately for us, some of the top climate experts also happen to be excellent science communicators. There’s still a lot to come, but some highlights from the campaign so far prove they’re up to the task of explaining both why we should believe climate change is happening, and — crucially — why we should care.

Denver: @ColoradoWaterWise 6th Annual #WaterConservation Summit, October 24

CWCB: The next Water Availability Task Force Meeting is September 17

Storm over the La Garita Hills
Storm over the La Garita Hills

From email from the Colorado Water Conservation Board (Ben Wade):

The next Water Availability Task Force meeting will be held on Wednesday, September 17, 2014 from 9:30a-11:30p at the Colorado Parks & Wildlife Headquarters, 6060 Broadway, Denver in the Bighorn Room.

The agenda is posted at the CWCB website.

CWCB: New draft chapters of #COWaterPlan now available for review

The latest climate briefing is hot off the presses from Western Water Assessment

Five-day QPF September 9, 2014 via NOAA
Five-day QPF September 9, 2014 via NOAA

Click here to go to the Western Water Assessment climate dashboard to view the current briefing (scroll down). Here’s an excerpt:


  • After mixed outcomes for precipitation in July, the summer ended on a wet note in August, with much of the region receiving over 200% of average precipitation for the month.
  • The vast majority of reservoirs across the region now have more storage than at the end of August last year. Reservoirs in Colorado and Wyoming are also ahead of the long-term average, while most reservoirs in Utah are below the long-term average.
  • The NOAA CPC monthly and seasonal outlooks are tilted towards wetter-than-average conditions for our region for the fall months.
  • While official ENSO indicators remain in neutral territory, an El Niño event is still expected to emerge this fall or winter.
  • Study: Climate Change Will Disrupt Half of North America’s Bird Species

    USGS: Tuesday is Protect Your Groundwater Day

    “The goal is to work together to find methods for conserving the precious lifeblood of our basin” — Deb Daniel

    From Circle of Blue (Brett Walton):

    Following a regional trend, Colorado’s water board is likely to approve a $US 160,000 grant on Friday that will help farmers in the state’s northeastern plains reckon with a water-scarce future.

    Researchers at Colorado State University will use the state funds to answer a simple but profound question that is blowing across the American Great Plains like a stiff wind: What does water conservation mean for farming families, their towns, and their livelihoods?

    Requested by the Water Preservation Partnership, a coalition of a farm group and all of the region’s water management districts, the two-year academic study reflects an important development in the nation’s grain belt…

    “There is concern now over the rate of pumping,” Chris Goemans, an agricultural economist at Colorado State and one of the study leaders, told Circle of Blue. “The question is, what do we do and what happens if we do that?”

    If current practices continue, wells in some counties will be dry within a decade, with disastrous economic and social consequences for rural communities. Faced with this prospect, the people of the plains, from Nebraska to Texas and now Colorado, are beginning to tighten the spigot and embrace, sometimes grudgingly, water conservation…

    The Water Preservation Partnership, which recently marked its first anniversary, was created to find a local solution to the problem of groundwater depletion. It takes as a model a similar grassroots success story in northwest Kansas.

    “The goal is to work together to find methods for conserving the precious lifeblood of our basin,” Deb Daniel told Circle of Blue. Daniel is general manager of the Republican River Water Conservation District, one of 10 members of the partnership.

    Eight of the partners are groundwater management districts. Farmers in these districts account for 80 percent of the water used in northeastern Colorado and half of regional economic output. Altogether, the nine-county region withdraws nearly twice as much water each year as filters back into the aquifer, according to recent research. The annual deficit is 488 million cubic meters (396,000 acre-feet), roughly twice what Denver uses in a year.

    The members see the writing on the wall for the aquifer if current behaviors continue, and they support a reduction in water use. Doing so will keep water in the ground longer, but not forever. The demands of irrigation are far too great. Still, the farmers want a clearer idea of the changes that conservation might bring.

    “The WPP believes we must follow the lead of groups in Kansas, Texas and elsewhere who have developed grassroots, self-governing policies, by imposing pumping policies upon ourselves,” the members wrote in their application for state funding. “The challenge is determining what the policies should be, taking into consideration their economic feasibility for our agricultural producers and rural communities as well as their regional support.”[…]

    Researchers at Colorado State University, which will contribute $US 48,000 to the project, will develop four products. First, they will use computer models to analyze the relationship between water use and agricultural production over the next 100 years. Several levels of conservation will be assessed, showing a range of possible outcomes.

    Farmers in northwest Kansas, for example, are in the second year of a five-year plan to reduce water use by 20 percent. Their economic performance under the restrictions is being assessed by Kansas State University in a separate, ongoing study.

    Next, the Colorado State University researchers will fan out into the community to educate farmers about the results of the modeling.

    Then farmers will take a survey that asks what types of policies they prefer for achieving the reductions in water use. Goemans, the economist, said that policies will fall into one of two categories: those that put a price on water and those that put a cap on how much farmers use.

    Lastly, the researchers will combine the modeling results and the survey preferences in a set of recommended policies…

    The Colorado State University study has the conditional support of the state water board, said Rebecca Mitchell, head of the water supply planning section.

    Mitchell told Circle of Blue that approval of the grant on Friday is “likely” though the state wants to see a few more letters of support to ensure the project has wide appeal. The board itself is interested, viewing the study as a template for analyzing water conservation policies in other areas of the state.

    More Ogallala aquifer coverage here and here.